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Voucher running trip € 715.00 plus shipping
Voucher running seminar in Schüttorf € 89.50 plus shipping
Voucher running seminar in Nordhorn € 89.50 plus shipping
Voucher for 1-day running seminar € 119.00 plus shipping
Value coupon over? € plus shipping
Voucher for the Schüttorf City Run plus shipping
€ 2.50 = simple letter (without insurance)
€ 8.50 = insured letter (insurance up to € 500.00)
I am aware that the voucher will only be sent to the account of Projekt-Szenario, IBAN DE23 2677 0024 0014 7330 00, Dt. Bank AG, after the full amount has been received. Payment must be received within 7 days, otherwise the data will be deleted.
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